July 01, 2018
On the close of operation on June 30, 2018, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 49.89 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 50.11 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00
On the close of operation on April 31, 2018, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 36.99 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 38.92 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00
On the close of operation on March 15, 2018, the Fund has reported Net Asset Value (NAV) of Tk. 37.48 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 41.72 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00